a solution to my Vibram problem

My foot is slowly getting better.  Sometimes I go a few hours pain-free.  I hope to be back to running in the next couple weeks.  I want to go completely pain-free for an entire week before running again though.  I don’t want to push it and make it worse.

The doctor still never knew what was wrong with me.  I got a second opinion from my uncle, who is a physical therapist.  Obviously he couldn’t x-ray it at a family party, but he did say my plantar fascia isn’t even located where my pain is, and I don’t have any of the signs or symptoms of it being inflamed.  My foot has slowly started to feel better though, so I haven’t gone back to the doctor.

My first visit to the idiot jerk moron doctor he did say something that has stuck with me.  He said a lot of people try to wear their minimalist shoes just for running.  All the benefits of these shoes, like your arch supporting itself and going back to a more natural run, are negated when shoes are worn for everything else.  Well, I HATE shoes.  I am barefoot the second I get home, and as often as possible, even outside.  I do work in aerospace though, where steel toe shoes are required so I can’t do it 24-7.  But I am allowed to wear whatever shoes I want at my desk.  So I only put my work shoes on when I have to leave my desk or area, so about seven out of eight hours I am in these.

I am in love.  I have been wearing them everywhere.  They keep my feet warm, but they have no cushion, and no support.  They don’t even have soul sole  That sounds like the opposite of what most people want in a shoe.  Just what I am looking for.  I plan to spend every second possible with minimalist “shoes” and preferably barefoot.  You just wait.  My next marathon in Vibrams will be epic average with a lot less blood and pain.  I do plan on running barefoot a lot this summer too.

This entry was posted in injury, running, running gear by crazyrunner. Bookmark the permalink.

About crazyrunner

moody. sarcastic. indecisive. excited. boring. quiet. always cold. short. spoiled. love: husband, running, reading, food, blankets, coffee, sugar, peanut butter, the rain, life, my rotten dogs, amazon.com, green, whichever holiday is next, smothered food.

2 thoughts on “a solution to my Vibram problem

  1. Your marathon in Vibrams is going to severly screw up your feet, if you make it that far.. No elite marathoner has ran a marathon nor won or even placed top 10 in Vibrams or minimalist shoes… That should tell you something. We have evolved to need support on our feet. The ancient ancestors who ran around barefoot had no other choice. The issue your currently having with your feet should tell you something about these “fad” shoes

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